
如何为 Minecraft 服务器添加一名播报员(二)


American Fuzzy Lop tutorial-basic

After all these frustrations due to the virus, I finally get back on the right track. American fuzzy lop (AFL) is a security-oriented fuzzer that employs a novel type of compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary.

招新赛 2021 出题总结(个人向)


SLUB & Buddy System in Linux Kernel

CTF games have flourished in recent years. However, more GLIBC heap allocator exploit techiniques are becoming boring and meaningless, especially for games in China. Challenges are well-designed, deliberately constructed, leading to specific ways to solve them, which is actually further and further away from real world exploits. I started to aim more at Linux kernel memory allocator these days and gathered some imformation about Buddy System & SLUB hitherto.