如何为 Minecraft 服务器添加一名播报员(完)
QQ Minecraft 协同机器人,完
QQ Minecraft 协同机器人,完
This is a white-box fuzzing libxml2 v2.9.2 challenge[1] to reproduce CVE-2015-8317[2]
Congrats to QuiHao by the way, a brand new qemu 0day Orzzzz!!!
After all these frustrations due to the virus, I finally get back on the right track. American fuzzy lop (AFL) is a security-oriented fuzzer that employs a novel type of compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary.
Mirai 是一个在全平台下运行,提供 QQ 协议支持的高效率机器人库。这个项目的名字来源于京都动画作品《境界的彼方》的栗山未来(Kuriyama Mirai),本文将基于 Mirai 构建 Minecraft 与 QQ 协同的聊天机器人,需求有三
CTF games have flourished in recent years. However, more GLIBC heap allocator exploit techiniques are becoming boring and meaningless, especially for games in China. Challenges are well-designed, deliberately constructed, leading to specific ways to solve them, which is actually further and further away from real world exploits. I started to aim more at Linux kernel memory allocator these days and gathered some imformation about Buddy System & SLUB hitherto.