Linux Kernel Mitigation & Bypass
Like user mode, there are also couples of ways of mitigation against exploits in Linux kernel. Here is a list of mitigation in kernel mode and methods to bypass some of them.
Like user mode, there are also couples of ways of mitigation against exploits in Linux kernel. Here is a list of mitigation in kernel mode and methods to bypass some of them.
prelude of the new theme demo babble
Congratulations to Kaztebin, ranked 1 in DEFCON CTF29 again.
It reminds me of my first ctf competition with Katzebin: hxp2020 [1]. There are some excellent challenges in this game which I missed out at that time, including some linux kernel exploitations. Recently I started to learn kernel pwn, and I think it’s time to solve these left challenges.
周末和学弟学妹一起打的一场比赛,比较基础,但涉及的知识面较广,有必要整理查漏补缺 url: rank 8 with lilac
比赛时看了几道cold down, EXSI找到了洞但是不好复现…
最近写应用程序感觉 python,java 的 gui 太丑了,咨询了一波web爷爷。在一星期内从零开始入门了前后端分离的开发框架,并成功赶在实验截止日期前套用,治好了我的强迫症. 在这个过程中不成体系且稀碎地顺手记录了一下,权当纪念这段爆肝的日子。
Some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright.